The Tree that Gives Knowledge

The Tree that Gives Knowledge

This Bible story will teach us about the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and Adam and Eve’s temptation to choose against God.

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Genesis 3:2
Eve and Adam disobeyed God and ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Suddenly, Adam and Eve felt ashamed for the first time in all creation. They knew they’d done wrong. They were scared, sad, embarrassed, and angry all at once. Adam and Eve also realized they were naked, so they made clothes out of leaves… like they wanted to hide themselves. Sin does that. It makes us want to run from everything, especially God. And that’s what they did. When God came into the garden looking for Adam and Eve, they hid. Can you imagine how that broke God’s heart? He knew what had happened, and he knew what would happen next. God told Adam and Eve that because of sin, nothing in creation would work the way it was meant to. Getting food would be hard. Having children would be hard. And getting along with each other would be hard. It’s like the world was broken. But God didn’t leave us without hope.
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