Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve

This Bible story teaches us about the creation of Man and Woman made in the Image of God.

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Genesis 1:8
Adam had everything he needed in his new home called the Garden of Eve. God even gave him a job! Adam was a gardener like God. And since gardening certainly makes you hungry, God gave Adam all the trees and plants in the garden for food. But there was one tree that Adam was not supposed to eat from. It was called the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. When God told Adam not to eat from this one tree, it wasn’t because He didn’t love Adam. Just the opposite. God loved Adam so much that He wanted what was best for him. And God knew that if people ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil it would do something horrible in their hearts… it would make them think they didn’t need God… that they could be happy without God. And that would be so sad because God made you and me find everything we need in Him.
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