Abram and Sarai

Abram and Sarai

Before this story, we learned about The Tower of Babel and mankind coming together to make their name great and make a tower that reaches heaven. Now, we will learn about how Abram is chosen and blessed by God to live an obedient life and to be in God’s plan for salvation.

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Genesis 12:1
God told Abram that he would give him a new homeland. He told him we would give him so many descendants that they’d become an entire nation. God said he would bless Abram and that one day, the entire world would be blessed through Abram’s family. But before you go thinking Abram was some sort of superhero who never got afraid and always did what was right, remember what happened to him in Egypt. Abram and his wife Sarai and their entire family traveled to Egypt to find food. But before they got there, Abram started getting scared. His wife Sarai was so beautiful that Abram worried the powerful leaders in Egypt would try to kill him to get to her. So to protect himself, Abram decided to lie. He told everyone that Sarai was his sister. Abram was safe. But then Pharaoh decided he wanted Sarai to be his wife. Thankfully, God stepped in to set things right. He brought a sickness over the people in Pharoah’s house and soon after, Pharaoh realized the truth about Sarai.
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