Abram and Lot Separate

Abram and Lot Separate

Before this story, we learned about how Abram was called by God to leave his country and God would bless him, make his name great, and make him into a great nation. Now, we will learn about how Abram and Lot separate and go their own ways, Abram helps his nephew after a battle, and God makes an unchanging promise to Abram.

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Genesis 13:14-15
"Do you remember how God made all these promises to Abram? God said he would bless Abram, make his descendants into a great nation, and give them a special land to call their own. Well, Abram definitely believed in God, but it was getting harder and harder the older he got. You see, Abram doesn't have a son at this point in our Bible story. Not one. Natta. Zilch. And both he and his wife are getting old. Abram was worried. So God did something he does better than anyone, he drew close to encourage him. “Ohhhh Abram,” God said gently, “go outside and look up at the stars. I promise that your descendants will be as numerous as the stars one day. And they will come from your own family… because I am going to give you a son.” How kind of God to use the stars as part of his promise. And where Abram lived, the sky was bursting with stars. They lit up the night! So Abram would never forget God’s good promise.
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